黑暗掠夺者 头像
黑暗掠夺者  2015-08-29 22:45

AppCode 3.2 正式发布下载,更好地支持 Swift

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AppCode 3.2 正式发布下载,该版本致力于提高 Swift 的开发体验,带来了一些列提升 Swift 开发效率的特性,主要内容如下:

    • With more accurate code resolve for Swift and mixed Objective-C and Swift code, you can rely on AppCode 3.2’s code completion, find usages, navigation and Rename refactoring. You will also be happy to hear that custom Swift frameworks are resolved correctly now, meaning that code completion and other features will work for them as well.

    • Swift string interpolation is now handled correctly, with symbol name properly highlighted and completed:

    • To speed up your Swift development, use the Override/Implement feature and override functions/implement protocols in one step:


  • Quick Documentation for Swift shows not only the standard Apple documentation and your own documentation comments, but also classes, protocols, functions, signatures, and even the inferred type for constants and variables:

  • Take the new debugger for Swift for a spin in AppCode 3.2.

  • Objective-C users can benefit from nonnull/nullable annotations (from Xcode 6.4).

  • A range of C++ parser improvements have made it into this release.

  • The update brings many general improvements as well, including a compact one-side view for comparing revisions, the Distraction-Free mode, synchronous HTML tag editing, and more.


AppCode 是一个全新的 Objective-C 的集成开发环境,用于帮助开发 Mac、iPhone 和 iPad 的应用程序。