Swift 2016-01-05 15:47
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CoreValue是Core Data的轻量级封装框架。它也包含了一些简单的抽象,便于查询,更新,保存和删除。
- 继承类
struct Shop: CVManagedPersistentStruct { // The name of the CoreData entity static let EntityName = "Shop" // The ObjectID of the CoreData object we saved to or loaded from var objectID: NSManagedObjectID? // Our properties let name: String var age: Int32 var owner: Owner? // Create a Value Type from a NSManagedObject // If this looks too complex, see below for an explanation and alternatives static func fromObject(o: NSManagedObject) -> Unboxed<Shop> { return curry(self.init) <^> o <|? "objectID" <*> o <| "name" <*> o <| "age" <*> o <|? "owner" } }
- 创建、保存、删除
// Get all shops (`[Shop]` is required for the type checker to get your intent!) let shops: [Shop] = Shop.query(self.context, predicate: nil) // Create a shop let aShop = Shop(name: "Household Wares", age: 30, owner: nil) // Store it as a managed object aShop.save(self.context) // Change the age aShop.age = 40 // Update the managed object in the store aShop.save(self.context) // Delete the object aShop.delete(self.context) // Convert a managed object into a shop (see below) let nsShop: Shop? = Shop.fromObject(aNSManagedObject).value // Convert a shop into an nsmanagedobject let shopObj = nsShop.mutatingToObject(self.context)
- 查询
// With Sort Descriptors public static func query(context: NSManagedObjectContext, predicate: NSPredicate?, sortDescriptors: Array<NSSortDescriptor>) -> Array // Without sort descriptors public static func query(context: NSManagedObjectContext, predicate: NSPredicate?) -> Array