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Swift  2016-03-04 22:04

Swift Web框架 Swifton

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Swifton 是一个 Swift Web框架,它受Ruby on Rails启发,可运行在 Linux 和 OS X 上。采用MVC模式。


beforeAction 和 afterAction 允许注册一个过滤器,可在action之前或之后执行一个filter方法。

class TodosController: ApplicationController { 
    // shared todo variable used to pass value between setTodo filter and actions
    var todo: Todo?    
    override init() { super.init()

    // sets before filter setTodo only for specified actions 
    beforeAction("setTodo", ["only": ["show", "edit", "update", "destroy"]])

    // render all Todo instances with Index template (in Views/Todos/Index.html.stencil)
    action("index") { request in
        let todos = ["todos": Todo.allAttributes()]
        return self.render("Todos/Index", todos)

    // render Todo instance that was set in before filter
    action("show") { request in
        return self.render("Todos/Show", self.todo)

    // render static New template
    action("new") { request in
        return self.render("Todos/New")

    // render Todo instance's edit form
    action("edit") { request in
        return self.render("Todos/Edit", self.todo)

    // create new Todo instance and redirect to list of Todos 
    action("create") { request in
        return self.redirectTo("/todos")

    // update Todo instance and redirect to updated Todo instance
    action("update") { request in
        return self.redirectTo("/todos/\(self.todo!.id)")

    // destroy Todo instance
    action("destroy") { request in
        return self.redirectTo("/todos")

    // set todo shared variable to actions can use it
    filter("setTodo") { request in
        // Redirect to "/todos" list if Todo instance is not found 
        guard let t = Todo.find(request.params["id"]) else { return self.redirectTo("/todos") } 
        self.todo = t as? Todo
        // Run next filter or action
        return self.next

Models (模型)

Swifton是与ORM无关的Web框架,您可以使用您所选择的任何ORM。 Swifton带有简单的运行在内存的MemoryModel类,你可以继承它。示例:

class User: MemoryModel {


User.all.count // 0
var user = User.create(["name": "Saulius", "surname": "Grigaitis"])
User.all.count // 1
user["name"] // "Saulius"
user["surname"] // "Grigaitis"
user.update(["name": "James", "surname": "Bond"])
user["surname"] // "Bond"
User.all.count // 0

Swifton支持模板语言,通过控制器的方法render(template_path, object)调用模板进行显示。

{% for todo in todos %}{{ todo.title }}{{ todo.completed }}ShowEditDestroy{% endfor %}


action("show") { request in
    return self.respondTo(request, [
        "html": { self.render("Todos/Show", self.todo) },
        "json": { self.renderJSON(self.todo) }
