Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-03-23 13:20

苹果Mac Pro垃圾桶 最低配的ME253CH

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Swift 头像
Swift  2017-04-30 10:37
Equatable我是从 [The Swift Programming Language (Swift 3.0)] 中文版里看到的,链接: 泛型 - Swift 3.0 教程
Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-07 01:02

Currently I am studying the 3rd book "Swift Programming", I think it is a quite useful book.

I can send electronic copies of the book to you if you want (send me an e-mail).


Swift 头像
Swift  2017-05-08 00:31
Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-08 11:48
I have two iOS books (front pages shown before) which I have not yet started reading because I have no Mac machine yet.
Are you interested in having their electronic copies?
Swift 头像
Swift  2017-05-08 22:53
Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-09 16:49
同你相反, 我看中文的计算机书有点吃力.
Satlantisy 头像
Satlantisy  2017-05-09 21:17
买个macbook air或者mini最便宜的也够用了  网页版没有实时显示效果 
Satlantisy 头像
Satlantisy  2017-05-09 21:20
I have two iOS books (front pages shown before) which I have not yet started reading because I have no Mac machine yet.
Are you interested in having their electronic copies?
Hey Daniel, I'd like to read those IOS books, email me a copy please.
I appreciate for your help!

Swift 头像
Swift  2017-05-09 23:35
同你相反, 我看中文的计算机书有点吃力.
Swift 头像
Swift  2017-05-09 23:38
买个macbook air或者mini最便宜的也够用了  网页版没有实时显示效果 
Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-13 07:42
Do you understand the following code of Listing 18.16 of the book that you received?
Especially the 2nd init of the class definition (like a recursive definition?)

fileprivate	class	IntArrayBuffer	{
	var	storage:	[Int]
	init()	{
		storage	=	[]
	init(buffer:	IntArrayBuffer)	{
		storage	=	buffer.storage
struct	IntArray	{
	private	var	buffer:	IntArrayBuffer
	init()	{
		buffer	=	IntArrayBuffer()
	func	describe()	{

Swift 头像
Swift  2017-05-13 23:40
fileprivate	class	IntArrayBuffer	{
	var	storage:	[Int]
	init()	{
		storage	=	[]

	init(buffer:	IntArrayBuffer)	{
		storage	=	buffer.storage
struct	IntArray	{
	private	var	buffer:	IntArrayBuffer
	init()	{
		buffer	=	IntArrayBuffer()
	func	describe()	{
private var bufferA = IntArrayBuffer()
bufferA.storage = [1,2,3]

private var bufferB = IntArrayBuffer(buffer: bufferA)
print(bufferB.storage) //print [1,2,3]
Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-16 20:34
I have tried all examples in the first 25 chapters of the book(2nd edition), also corrected their mistakes and put them into a file. I can send you the file if you want it
Chapter 24 (from Listing 24.7 until the chapter end) is not easy to understand even I saw the examples working.
Swift 头像
Swift  2017-05-17 17:37
@Daniel Thanks, Please send to me.
Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-24 15:00
Do you understand the purpose of the keyword let in the following code? if you do, please explain.
I know that the code can not even be compiled without the two let.
enum ShapeDimensions {
// point has no associated value - it is dimensionless
	case point
// square's associated value is the length of one side
	case square(side: Double)
// rectangle's associated value defines its width and height
	case rectangle(width: Double, height: Double)
	func area() -> Double {
		switch self {
		case ShapeDimensions.point:
			return 0
		case let ShapeDimensions.square(side: side):
			return side * side
		case let ShapeDimensions.rectangle(width: w, height: h):
			return w * h

var squareShape = ShapeDimensions.square(side: 10.0)
var rectShape = ShapeDimensions.rectangle(width: 5.0, height: 10.0)
var pointShape = ShapeDimensions.point
print("square's area = \(squareShape.area())") 
print("rectangle's area = \(rectShape.area())")
print("point's area = \(pointShape.area())")
Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-26 19:11
Why deinit is called for the second assignment in the following code?
struct Town {


class Monster {


class Zombie: Monster {
var walksWithLimp: Bool
	init(limp: Bool, town: Town?){
		walksWithLimp = limp
	convenience init(limp: Bool) {
		self.init(limp: limp, town: nil)
	deinit {
		print("ZZZZombie is no longer with us.")

var convenientZombie = Zombie(limp: true)

    convenientZombie = Zombie(limp: true)
Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-26 20:52
The above code can be simplified as follows. 
Why  deinit  is executed for the second assignment?
class Zombie {
var walksWithLimp: Bool

	init(limp: Bool){
		walksWithLimp = limp

	deinit {
		print("ZZZZombie is no longer with us.")

var convenientZombie = Zombie(limp: true)

   convenientZombie = Zombie(limp: true)

Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-26 21:29
I understand  deinit  now:
In the above code, when the 2nd assignment (line 15) is executed, the memory allocated for the Right Hand Side of the 1st assignment (line 13) is no longer used, hence the system will automatically call deinit to clean up the memory for us.

Swift 头像
Swift  2017-05-27 11:50
@Daniel  关于let,刚开始我也看得不太明白,后来看了下官方文档枚举章节,知道这个let是把后面的参数定义为常量的意思,但是你这个例子和 官方文档里的有些区别,所以我做了一下修改:
enum ShapeDimensions {
    case point
    //原文:case square(side: Double)
    case square(Double)
    //原文:case rectangle(width: Double, height: Double)
    case rectangle(Double, Double)
    func area() -> Double {
        switch self {
        case ShapeDimensions.point:
            return 0
        //原文:case let ShapeDimensions.square(side: side):
        //原文中的side: side,2个side感觉有两个变量名似的,看起来不好理解。
        //因为最上面是这样写的:case square(side: Double)
        //所以这里我觉得应该这样写:case let ShapeDimensions.square(side: Double):
        case let ShapeDimensions.square(side):
            return side * side
        //原文:case let ShapeDimensions.rectangle(width: w, height: h):
        //let加在case后面是这句的简写:case ShapeDimensions.rectangle(let w, let h):
        case let ShapeDimensions.rectangle(w, h):
            return w * h

var squareShape = ShapeDimensions.square(10.0) //原文:square(side: 10.0)
var rectShape = ShapeDimensions.rectangle(5.0, 10.0) //原文:rectangle(width: 5.0, height: 10.0)
var pointShape = ShapeDimensions.point
print("square's area = \(squareShape.area())")
print("rectangle's area = \(rectShape.area())")
print("point's area = \(pointShape.area())")

Daniel 头像
Daniel  2017-05-31 10:10
我买的第3本Swift的书{Swift Programming 2nd ed.]看了二遍,还有许多高级一些的内容不懂, 现在又买了第4本Swift的书[Advanced Swift3],有中文及英文版本,现在只收到中文版的,还没有收到英文版的. 在我年底或明年初买到苹果计算机前只能学Swift编程而不能开始字习iOS编程.
苹果Mac Pro垃圾桶 最低配的ME253CH