Swift 2017-07-20 22:14
Swift 优雅的定时器及执行工具库 Each
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Each 是一个优雅的定时器及执行工具库,用Swift编写。
- 完全可配置的定时器
- 支持以毫秒,秒,分和小时为单位的时间间隔
- 完全可扩展
- 与NSTimer对象相比,使用起来更加可读和简单
let timer = Each(1).seconds // Can be .milliseconds, .seconds, .minute, .hours timer.perform { // Do your operations // This closure has to return a NextStep value // Return .continue if you want to leave the timer active, otherwise // return .stop to invalidate it } timer.stop() // This stops immediately the timer timer.restart()
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