Swift 2016-09-03 20:50
Swift 写的版本比较工具 Versions
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Swift 写的版本比较工具 Versions,可以使用字符串的方式比较版本号。
Comparing with the current applications version couldn't be easier.
// App.version is 1.0.0 if App.version.olderThan("2.0.0") { // Prompt user to update }But you can apply this to more things than just the CFBundleShortVersionString .
let currentVersion = "1.0.1a" if currentVersion.olderThan("1.1.3") { // update }Versions also support semantic versioning (Major , Minor , Patch )
if "1.0".semanticCompare("2.0") == Semantic.Major) { // major update }
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