Swift 2017-03-06 22:43
Swift 用函数实现正则表达式的库 SwiftVerbalExpressions
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SwiftVerbalExpressions 是一个Swift库,可以通过函数的方式实现复杂的正则表达式功能。从JavaScript的版本JSVerbalExpressions移植。
// Create an example of how to test for correctly formed URLs let tester = VerEx() .startOfLine() .then("http") .maybe("s") .then("://") .maybe("www") .anythingBut(" ") .endOfLine() // Create an example URL let testMe = "https://www.google.com" // Use test() method if tester.test(testMe) { println("We have a correct URL") // This output will fire } else { println("The URL is incorrect") } // Use =~ operator if testMe =~ tester { println("We have a correct URL") // This output will fire } else { println("The URL is incorrect") } println(tester) // Outputs the actual expression used: "^(?:http)(?:s)?(?::\/\/)(?:www)?(?:[^ ]*)$"替换字符串
let replaceMe = "Replace bird with a duck" // Create an expression that seeks for word "bird" let verEx = VerEx().find("bird") // Execute the expression like a normal RegExp object let result = verEx.replace(replaceMe, with: "duck") println(result) // Outputs "Replace duck with a duck"替换字符串简写方式
let result2 = VerEx().find("red").replace("We have a red house", with: "blue") println(result2) // Outputs "We have a blue house"API文档
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