Swift 2017-05-03 00:08
Swift 版 AI 模块工具箱 AIToolbox
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Graphs/Trees Depth-first search Breadth-first search Hill-climb search Beam Search Optimal Path search Alpha-Beta (game tree) Genetic Algorithms mutations mating integer/double alleles Constraint Propogation i.e. 3-color map problem Linear Regression arbitrary function in model regularization can be used convenience constructor for standard polygons Least-squares error Non-Linear Regression parameter-delta Gradient-Descent Gauss-Newton Logistic Regression Use any non-linear solution method Multi-class capability Neural Networks multiple layers, several non-linearity models on-line and batch training feed-forward or simple recurrent layers can be mixed in one network simple network training using GPU via Apple's Metal LSTM network layer implemented - needs more testing gradient check routines Support Vector Machine Classification Regression More-than-2 classes classification K-Means unlabelled data grouping Principal Component Analysis data dimension reduction Markov Decision Process value iteration policy iteration fitted value iteration for continuous state MDPs - uses any Regression class for fit (see my MDPRobot project on github for an example use) Monte-Carlo (every-visit, and first-visit) SARSA Gaussians Single variable Multivariate - with full covariance matrix or diagonal only Mixture Of Gaussians Learn density function of a mixture of gaussians from data EM algorithm to converge model with data Validation Use to select model or parameters of model Simple validation (percentage of data becomes test data) N-Fold validation Deep-Network Convolution layers Pooling layers Fully-connected NN layers multi-threaded Plotting NSView based MLView for displaying regression data, classification data, functions, and classifier areas! UIView based MLView for iOS applications, same as NSView based for macOS
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